How Marketers Will Use Augmented Reality

Using augmented reality on  a smartphone

Amid the buzz surrounding artificial intelligence, another technological revolution is quietly gaining momentum – augmented reality (AR). While AR may not yet be as widely recognized as AI, its potential to transform how brands interact with consumers is undeniable. Here's a comprehensive overview of how marketers leverage AR to enhance their strategies and establish deeper connections with their target audience.


What is AR?


AR seamlessly blends the real world with digital elements, creating an interactive and immersive user experience. AR overlays digital information onto the real world, allowing users to simultaneously interact with both a virtual and physical universe.


AR in Marketing: A Paradigm Shift


AR is poised to revolutionize the marketing landscape by offering many innovative opportunities for brands to engage with consumers. Here are some ways marketers are already utilizing AR to enhance their digital strategies:

Woman using augmented reality in crowded department store


Virtual Try-On Experiences: AR will enable consumers to virtually try on products, ranging from cosmetics and eyewear to furniture and home décor, before purchasing. These virtual experiences will enhance the shopping experience, reduce returns, and increase customer satisfaction.

Enhanced Product Visualization: AR will allow brands to showcase their products in real-world settings, providing a more realistic and immersive experience for potential customers. For instance, furniture companies can use AR to visualize how a particular sofa would look in a customer's living room.

Interactive Storytelling and Gamification: AR will enable brands to create interactive stories and games that engage consumers and deepen their brand connection. For example, a fashion brand could use AR to create a virtual fashion show where customers can interact with the models and explore the collection.

Location-Based Marketing: AR is transforming the way brands connect with customers in physical locations. Imagine entering a store and scanning a product display for additional information, discounts, or personalized recommendations. AR can also create interactive personal tours, enhancing the overall consumer experience.

Augmented Reality Marketing Campaigns: AR will revolutionize digital marketing campaigns by creating interactive and immersive experiences that capture consumer attention and generate buzz. Brands can use AR to create pop-up virtual stores, interactive billboards, and augmented reality games.

AR Innovation in The Real World

Brands worldwide are embracing AR, pioneering innovative marketing strategies that capture consumer attention and redefine brand interactions. Let's delve into a few inspiring examples:

  • IKEA Place App: IKEA's Place app allows customers to virtually place furniture in their homes, providing a realistic simulation of how pieces would look and fit. This immersive experience has revolutionized the furniture shopping experience, boosting customer confidence and driving sales.


  • Sephora Virtual Artist: Sephora's Virtual Artist app transforms the beauty shopping experience into an interactive game. Customers can virtually apply makeup, try different hairstyles, and receive personalized recommendations, creating a fun and engaging experience that drives brand engagement.


  • Snapchat AR Lenses: Snapchat's AR lenses have become a cultural phenomenon, allowing users to transform themselves into characters, apply virtual filters, and share their experiences with friends. Brands leverage this platform to create interactive marketing campaigns that generate buzz and drive brand awareness.


A Glimpse into the Future of Brand Interaction

As AR technology evolves and becomes more accessible, its impact on marketing will only grow. With its world of possibilities, AR will become an integral piece of the marketing toolkit, enabling brands to create more engaging, personalized, and memorable consumer experiences.

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